Should I Store My RV Indoors – Expert Advise

by Jun 7, 2022Camping, Blog, RV

The RV lifestyle is a growing trend across the country, but not everyone has the real estate or budget to store an RV at home. If you’re getting ready to make your RV investment, it’s important to know how and where you can store it when you’re not using it. The following are some of the factors to consider if you choose to have your RV stored indoors:

If you’re not using your RV, it’s important to keep it in good condition.

If you’re not using your RV, it’s important to keep it in good condition. Here are some tips:

  • Clean your RV and make sure it’s dry before storing it
  • Don’t leave it outside
  • Don’t leave it in a garage that is too hot or too cold
  • Don’t leave it in a garage that is too humid or has a lot of moisture
  • Don’t leave it in a garage that is dusty

One of the key reasons to store an RV indoors is if you live where there are strong storms.

One of the key reasons to store an RV indoors is if you live where there are strong storms. 

If you have a large motorhome or travel trailer and live in an area with thunderstorms, hail, tornadoes or hurricanes, it can be dangerous to leave your RV outside during these events.

RVs aren’t designed to withstand these types of weather conditions and can easily be damaged by them.

It’s just not practical to store an RV at home for most people.

If you don’t have a large garage with enough space for your car and other things, it’s not feasible to store an RV at home. 

In the winter time, when the cars are covered in snow and ice, it can be difficult to maneuver around them without hitting them. It’s also hard to get into the garage if there is snow blocking the path.

This point is especially true if you live in a city apartment building or condo complex where parking spaces are limited, or even non-existent. 

Even if there is somewhere at home that would work as storage space for an RV—like a driveway—it’s unlikely that other residents of your apartment building will want their vehicle parked next to yours all year long (especially during inclement weather).

If you have space for an RV and need more shelter for cars or other things, the RV can serve a dual purpose.